For I was hungry and you fed me. I was thirsty and you gave me drink. I was sick and you cared for me… then the King will say…”When you did it to one of the least of my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me.”
Matthew 25:33, 36 & 40
What Does a Faith Community Nurse Do?
As a Health Counselor, The Faith Community Nurse meets with the church members to confidentially discuss and listen to personal concerns that are physical, relational, emotional, or spiritual. She/he provides spiritual support to the home-bound and ill through visitation, prayer and various means of contact.
As an Advocate, the FCN empowers the people to make good choices by helping them to better understand the issue or condition and by teaching good health practices.
As a Health Educator, the FCN will help to promote an understanding of the relationship between health, healing, faith, and well-being.
As a Health Resource, the FCN can serve as a referral source to other agencies in the community as well as, supply information about healing and wellness.
As a Clarifier of the link between Faith and Health, the FCN will work with the pastor to help church members bring together aspects of faith and health and how they relate to one another.
As a Facilitator of Volunteers, the FCN guides and empowers volunteers with natural gifts to reach out to those in need. Through volunteer support, the gifts and impact of the ministry will be multiplied.
For more information, contact:
Austie Albrecht, RN FCN
(605) 203-3370
American Lutheran Church
(605) 854-3684